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Skill in Action Community of Practice

It is important that we develop a consistent practice of transforming ourselves, relationships, institutions, and culture to create a just world. In the eight-week Skill in Action Community of Practice, we will explore and practice what we need to create conditions for our collective liberation. The Skill in Action Community of Practice is a space where we will come together and build community by moving through the practices in the 2nd edition of Skill in Action: Radicalizing Your Yoga Practice to Create a Just World. These practices include an exploration of where you are from, your origin story, social location, how we are uniquely positioned to make change and create a just world, practices centered around curiosity and how to meet resistance and practice self and collective care. We will practice many limbs of the eight-limb path of yoga through the yamas, niyamas, self-study, pranayama, meditation, movement and more. We will meet weekly for 60-minutes to practice, reflect on our experience, and share with one another. Each session will be recorded and shared with participants and available for two months after the conclusion of the program.  

Skill in Action - Where I am From 

Yoga teaches us to remove illusion and gain clarity about where we have been in order to decrease the suffering on the planet as we move forward. Part of the exploration of removing illusion is developing a deeper understanding of our identities and how our origin stories shape how our tendencies and the way we perceive ourselves and others. In this 60-minute practice you will explore where you are from. Yes, we are from everyone and everything, and this practice is intended for you to explore your roots, how your roots have shaped you, and the way you show up in the world. This practice will include meditation, grounding stretches, journaling and large group discussion. 

Skill in Action - Yamas and Niyamas

The path of yoga is an eight-limb path. The first two limbs of the path are the yamas (moral observances relating to how we treat others) and the niyamas (moral observances focused on the self). In this two-hour practice, we will explore the yamas and niyamas and how we can engage them to create a more just world. This practice will include meditation, movement, journaling, small and large group discussions. 

Skill in Action - My Heart’s Desire

In order to create a just world, we must vision that world. We must practice connecting to the heart and what our heart most desires related to our collective liberation. During this 60-minute practice, you will be led through a meditation intended to connect you with your heart and your heart’s prayer for justice. After the meditation, you will be guided to craft a prayer, wish, hope, or intention that speaks to your heart’s desire. After you have written your prayer, you will be guided to share your prayer or wish through small and large group discussions. 

Skill in Action - Leaning into Discomfort

Discomfort is part of the process of transformation. It is what we are invited to be with each time we practice yoga and especially as we strive to live our yoga in a way that will create conditions for everyone to be free. During this 60-minute practice, through meditation, movement, and self-study, you will be invited to explore your relationship with discomfort. You will be asked to investigate when and how discomfort emerges for you as you work towards collective liberation in relationship with others. You will leave this practice knowing a little more about how you respond to discomfort and with new tools to build your capacity to be with it. 

Skill in Action - Love

To love and be loving is an ongoing practice. Yoga is an ongoing practice that asks us to center love for ourselves and all beings. Love is the heart of Yoga. The kind of love that is actionable and can be felt. During this 60-minute practice you will be guided through a ritual to connect with your heart and the practice of coming back to a place and practice of love. This practice will include meditation, a ritual, movement, journaling, small and large group discussion. 

Sliding Scale:
$75 Community Rate (discounted)
$125 Sustainer Rate (pays for you)
$175 Supporter Rate (supports others as well as yourself)

Zoom links will be delivered via email by March 1, 2023.

October 22

Infusing Justice Into Your Life, Teaching, and Practice – The Center Studio

October 6

Skill in Action 200hr Immersion